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End The Legacy's  

Community Team Meetings

Since our founding, ensuring regular contact between our geographically dispersed team members has been a key focus.  In meetings those impacted by inherited ALS and FTD get to know one another while working towards a larger mission. Topics can usually be sorted into work on initiatives of End the Legacy and / or discussing recent events or news of interests to our community. There is always time for member updates at the end.  To get on the list for the meetings email with why you would like to join. 

Virtual Meeting
Virtual Meeting

2nd and 4th Friday 
5pm UTC, 9am Pacific US

Our traditional meeting time moving to a biweekly cadence of the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. 

2nd and 4th Wednesday
6:30 am UTC,  5:30 pm Australian Eastern

A new meeting time occuring on a biweekly cadence of the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. 

Taking Notes during a Virtual Meeting
Studying Online
Virtual Meeting

2nd and 4th Thursday 
3pm UTC 

A new meeting time occuring on a biweekly cadence of the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. 

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